Source code for versionalchemy.utils

import itertools
import simplejson as json

import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy import (
from sqlalchemy.engine.reflection import Inspector

[docs]def result_to_dict(res): """ :param res: :any:`sqlalchemy.engine.ResultProxy` :return: a list of dicts where each dict represents a row in the query where the key \ is the column name and the value is the value of that column. """ keys = res.keys() all_ = res.fetchall() return [dict(zip(keys, row)) for row in all_]
[docs]def generate_where_clause(cls, row, col, use_dirty=True): """ :param cls: the sqlalchemy ORM model :param row: a sqlalchemy ORM model object (must be an instance of :py:data:`cls`) :param col: the column name :param use_dirty: if ``True`` (default) will return the dirty value of the column :return: a sqlalchemy ``==`` clause """ return getattr(cls, col) == get_column_attribute(row, col, use_dirty=use_dirty)
[docs]def generate_and_clause(cls, row, cols, use_dirty=True): """ :param cls: the sqlalchemy ORM model :param row: a sqlalchemy ORM model object (must be an instance of :py:data:`cls`) :param cols: an iterable of strings corresponding to column names :param use_dirty: if ``True`` (default) will return the dirty value of the column :return: a :py:func:`sqlalchemy.and_` clause which checks for equality of all columns \ in cols to the value they contain in row. For example, .. code-block:: python generate_and_clause(cls, ['foo', 'bar'], cols) = would return .. code-block:: python sqlalchemy.and_( ==, == """ return sa.and_(*( generate_where_clause(cls, row, col_name, use_dirty=use_dirty) for col_name in cols ))
[docs]def get_bind_processor(row, col_name, dialect): ''' Returns a bind_processor for the given column in the row based on the dialect. If dialect is None or there is no bind_processor, returns the identity function. The return value of this can be applied to ``getattr(row, col_name)`` and will return the sql type of that value. ''' bind_processor = None if dialect is not None: bind_processor = getattr(type(row), col_name).type.bind_processor(dialect) return (lambda x: x) if bind_processor is None else bind_processor
[docs]def get_column_attribute(row, col_name, use_dirty=True, dialect=None): """ :param row: the row object :param col_name: the column name :param use_dirty: whether to return the dirty value of the column :param dialect: if not None, should be a :py:class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.interfaces.Dialect`. If \ specified, this function will process the column attribute into the dialect type before \ returning it; useful if one is using user defined column types in their mappers. :return: if :any:`use_dirty`, this will return the value of col_name on the row before it was \ changed; else this will return getattr(row, col_name) """ bind_processor = get_bind_processor(row, col_name, dialect) hist = getattr(sa.inspect(row).attrs, col_name).history getattr(row, col_name) if not use_dirty and hist.has_changes(): if hist.deleted: return bind_processor(hist.deleted[0]) else: return None return bind_processor(getattr(row, col_name))
[docs]def get_column_keys(table): ''' Return a generator of names of the python attribute for the table columns. ''' for k, _ in get_column_keys_and_names(table): yield k
[docs]def get_column_names(table): ''' Return a generator of names of the name of the column in the sql table. ''' for _, c in get_column_keys_and_names(table): yield c
[docs]def get_column_keys_and_names(table): ''' Return a generator of tuples k, c such that k is the name of the python attribute for the column and c is the name of the column in the sql table. ''' ins = sa.inspect(table) return ((k, for k, c in ins.mapper.c.items())
[docs]def get_dialect(session): return session.connection().dialect
[docs]def has_constraint(tbl_name, engine, *col_names): """ :param tbl_name: a string with the name of the table to check :param engine: an instance of :class:`sa.engine.Engine` from which to execute the query :param col_names: the name of columns which the unique constraint should contain :rtype: bool :return: True if the given columns are part of a unique constraint on tbl_name """ insp = Inspector.from_engine(engine) constraints = itertools.chain( (sorted(x['column_names']) for x in insp.get_unique_constraints(tbl_name)), sorted(insp.get_pk_constraint(tbl_name)['constrained_columns']), ) return sorted(col_names) in constraints
[docs]def is_modified(row, ignore=None): if ignore is None: ignore = set() ins = sa.inspect(row) modified_cols = \ {key for key in get_column_keys(ins.mapper) if key not in ignore} - ins.unmodified return not all(( get_column_attribute(row, col) == get_column_attribute(row, col, use_dirty=False) for col in modified_cols ))
class _JSONEncoded(TypeDecorator): """ Does validation and serde on a JSON python type (list, dict, int, str) to a text based column in a SQL database. This class should be overriden for each primitive JSON type. """ impl = UnicodeText json_type = None def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): if value is None: return None elif isinstance(value, basestring): value = json.loads(value) if self.json_type is not None and not isinstance(value, self.json_type): raise ValueError('value of type {} is not {}'.format(type(value), self.json_type)) return json.dumps(value, ensure_ascii=False, encoding='utf8') def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): if value is None: return None value = json.loads(value) if self.json_type is not None and not isinstance(value, self.json_type): raise ValueError('value of type {} is not {}'.format(type(value), self.json_type)) return value
[docs]class JSONEncodedList(_JSONEncoded): json_type = list
[docs]class JSONEncodedDict(_JSONEncoded): json_type = dict